Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Today's Number: 3

To help me learn the mandarin words for different numbers I've created a series of characters that look like and say something about the word. Today we meet Sandy, she is inspired by the number 3. The mandarin word for three is Sān and sounds kind of like the SAN in Sandy, but is said in a monotone kind of way.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Todays Number: 2

Today is brought to you by the number 2. To help me learn the mandarin words for different numbers I've created a series of characters that look like and say something about the word. The mandarin word for two is Èr and sounds like the AR in Arthur, so I created this character called Arthur.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Today's Word: Winter

I thought today's word should be relevant to the season so I picked WINTER or Dōngjì (in pinyin). It took a bit of time to make this animated loop sequence because each cell was hand drawn using a light box, but it was totally worth it for the way it turned out. It really helped me learn the symbol!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Translucent Octopus

I was listening to the creators of Finding Dory speak on The Pixar Podcast and it inspired me to do this illustration. I found myself admiring the incredible storyboards for hours, paying special attention to their treatment of light and colour. I learned a few new techniques as I coloured, my favorite being the glow that comes from the center of this translucent octopus.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Today's Word: Toilet

The Mandarin word for today is toilet! What a handy word to know, especially when you may have eaten something that flows right through you. I like how happy this toilet is, so happy that it's overflowing with joy...or is that something else? Hehe, just kidding!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Today's Word: Noodles

The mandarin word for today is NOODLES! I'm guessing knowing this word will come in handy throughout China. Written out in pinyin it looks something like this: Miàntiáo. I spent a bit more time on this illustration because I wanted to get that manga watercolour feel. It was real fun to draw and learn.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Today's Word: Fruit

I've been attempting to teach myself some Mandarin before I head to China in November. To help me out I've decided to pick out a word every few days and draw a picture based on that word. I'm hoping this exercise will help me to grow in both Mandarin and illustration. As you can see, today's word is FRUIT .